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SEMAP Twilight Workshop: Raising Sheep 101
September 29, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
September 29th from 10AM-12PM
Are you fascinated by fiber, a lover of lamb or just thinking about how to mow your grass without power? Then sheep might be the perfect animal to add to your life. Whether it is just a few that you would like to get for your yard or if you are interested in starting a flock then come and learn the basics. We will discuss breeds, fencing, housing, feeding, hoof care, parasites and everyone can try handling them. We will also touch on breeding and processing for meat. Wear clothes that can get dirty and closed-toed shoes. Please wash boots if they have been at other sheep farms.
Cost: $5 for Beginning Farmers, $15 for SEMAP Members and $20 for the General Public
Email Dawn at ddufault@semaponline.org with any questions.