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Young Farmer Night – Big Train Farm
October 16, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
In partnership with Land For Good, this year’s YFNs will be land access themed. We’ll be visiting farms demonstrating all different types of land situations (intergenerational, leasing from a land trust, private landowner lease, cooperative land use, private purchase, etc).Land access is consistently cited by farmers as their biggest hurdle, and we are all finding our own way to make it work one way or another, so we are eager to highlight the many different and convoluted paths to land security. The season will wrap up with a culminating event sponsored by Young Farmer Network and Land For Good to process what we learned about land access struggles and triumphs from the season’s tours.
Please join us! Tours start at 6pm and are followed by a potluck dinner. Be sure to check your email or our Facebook or Instagram for schedule changes, parking instructions, last minute cancellations, etc. Please note: the YFN tour schedule is offset from the EMass CRAFT tour schedule, which can be found here!