Farmer to Farmer Leasing Roundtable

Southside Community Land Trust

We hope that you can join the Young Farmer Network & Land for Good for our Farmer to Farmer Leasing Roundtable! Leasing is essential for many farmers, offering opportunities to those without owned land but also presenting challenges and risks. A well-written lease is key to setting clear expectations and building a solid relationship with […]


Small Engine Repair & Maintenance

URI East Farm

Join us on February 11th & 12th at URI East Farm, South Kingston RI, for a two-day hands-on workshop on two-stroke and four-stroke engines with trainer SG Groat! In these two, five-hour training days, participants will learn the various parts of 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines and how they function. Folks will come away […]


Crop Rotation


with Siedric White and Anna Pierce-Slive from Revival Road Farm


Social Media Marketing Panel- Making social media work for you!

Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. 431 North Street, Pittsfield, MA, United States

Presented by Dawn Stanyon (Dawn Loves Social), Kat Ragone (Starry Ridge Farm), Meg Bantle (Full Well Farm), Abby Angelo (Guido’s) Overview Do you find yourself struggling to prioritize social media among the myriad of other tasks on your to do list? Or are you wondering if what you’re doing on social media is even effective? […]


Seed School

Westport Grange 931 Main Rd, Westport, MA, United States

A seven-week drop-in crash course on the nuts and bolts of seed saving seeds—for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in learning how food is grown from seed! This course is FREE. Those who are able and willing to make a contribution to seed school can donate to the Westport Grange. You can also attend virtually via […]


Managing a Pasture Based System in Today’s Changing Climate

Workshops, in person and online, offer the latest information in the field, and opportunities to discuss with others the realities of putting sustainable agriculture into practice. Workshops in 2024-2026 will address economics, pasture resiliency and animal productivity in pasture based systems. Workshops over the last three years addressed nutrient management within a pasture system tying […]


Succession Planning


Attorney Deborah Foppert, Archer & Foppert and Farmer Jayne Merner, Earth Care Farm Succession planning is a critical step to ensuring your business can continue to operate even if someone retires or leaves the company. Succession planning is very specific to your business and should be done with the guidance of an attorney. Attorney Deb Foppert of Archer […]


MDAR’s 2nd Annual Agricultural Resource Fair

Smith Tech & Agricultural High School 80 Locust Street, Northampton, MA, United States

MDAR’s Agricultural Resource Fair provides resource information to the farming community. This year, the Resource Fair will be held twice at two locations, in order to reach farmers in all regions of Massachusetts. Dates & Locations: 1. Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Smith Tech & Agricultural High School- 80 Locust St, Northampton, MA 01060 2. Friday, […]


Seed School

Westport Grange 931 Main Rd, Westport, MA, United States

A seven-week drop-in crash course on the nuts and bolts of seed saving seeds—for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in learning how food is grown from seed! This course is FREE. Those who are able and willing to make a contribution to seed school can donate to the Westport Grange. You can also attend virtually via […]


Strategic Digital Marketing: Managing Social Media During the Busy Season

Venture Way Collaborative 200 Venture Way, Hadley, MA, United States

Join CISA and digital marketing expert, Michael Crigler, to explore social media marketing approaches that strengthen customer engagement, while avoiding overload and making the most of your time. During your farm’s busiest season, more is NOT always merrier. At the same time, it is crucial to maintain a loyal and engaged customer base to weather […]


Farm Succession Info Night – Rhode Island

RI Farm Bureau Office 16B Nooseneck Hill Road, Suite B, West Greenwich, RI, United States

Free workshop open to all farmers to review basic components of succession planning and discuss management transfer, family communication, and how to identify a team of advisors to be better prepared to take the next steps. Presentation by Deanna Levanti, Southeastern New England Field Agent, Land For Good. In partnership with Land & Sea Together.


Nonprofit Formation


Attorney Ryan Barry, Bulkley Richardson and Gini Mazman, Nourishing the North Shore A nonprofit is a legal entity aimed at providing a collective, public or social benefit as opposed to a legal entity operating to generate money for its owners. Forming a nonprofit and maintaining a nonprofit is a relatively involved process. During this webinar we will hear […]


Explore Farming Workshop


In this free workshop you will: Learn about New Entry Sustainable Farming Project's courses and services Identify resources you have and resources you'll need for your farm business Identify next steps to get started with your new farm business Learn about the variety of roles in the food system and opportunities to get involved Hear […]

Crop Planning


with Jen Salinetti from Woven Roots Farm


MDAR Agricultural Resource Fair

Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical High School 565 Maple Street, Danvers, MA, United States

MDAR’s Agricultural Resource Fair provides resource information to the farming community. This year, the Resource Fair will be held twice at two locations, in order to reach farmers in all regions of Massachusetts. Dates & Locations: 1. Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Smith Tech & Agricultural High School- 80 Locust St, Northampton, MA 01060 2. Friday, […]

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