SEMAP Equity Statement Archive

Draft 1: 2/11/2022, Prepared for the Agriculture and Food Conference 2022

SEMAP has recently begun the important and ongoing work of identifying our role in racial justice work. Recognizing the many gaps that currently exist in SEMAP’s work as it pertains to these issues, we are looking to take a more active role in building an equitable and representative SEMAP community and culture.

As we continue to learn more about the intersection of food, farming and racial justice, and reflect on the way’s SEMAP has fallen short in addressing these issues in the past, we are committed to better understanding the ways we can help create a more equitable food system in our region. This work is difficult and constant, and will force us to sit in our own discomfort as we consider the past, present and future work we must do, and we are prepared for these experiences.

This page will serve as a working equity statement prepared in consultation with SEMAP staff, board members, and outside organizations. This is a living document, and as we better understand ways we can improve equity in our agricultural community, it will change to reflect our learning.

Any community members who wish to provide feedback on our work, and recommendations on places where we can grow and potential blind spots we may still hold are encouraged to reach out to or anonymously through this form.

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