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East Middleboro 4H Fair
August 31, 2019 @ 8:00 am - September 1, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

August 31 – Sep. 1, 2019
183 Thompson St, Middleboro, MA
Local 4-H members gather to showcase what they have accomplished during the year, from showing their animals to displaying their static exhibits. The fair is also a fundraiser, with all proceeds going directly to East Middleboro 4-H activities.
There are no amusement rides, but there is much to do. Join us on Saturday afternoon for our popular country auction. Or watch the animal costume parade followed by the tractor parade on Saturday. The country store (rummage sale) and book tents are open throughout the fair and a variety of great food is available.
In the schoolhouse 4-H members display their many talents as they compete for ribbons. In the morning come for breakfast and stay to watch one of the many animal shows. Our 4-H members care for and work with their animals all year, come and see what they have accomplished.
There is no admission or parking fee, just come and enjoy the day. Check our schedule for a full listing of all shows and activities.
The East Middleboro Fair is sponsored and presented solely by volunteers. Most of our volunteers are members of the East Middleboro Community Committee or 4-H members and their families.