Current Funding Opportunities


MDAR Matching Enterprise Grants for Agriculture (MEGA) | Deadline: 4:00pm Thursday, April 10th

Goals: This program assists beginning farmers who are between 1 and 10 years in business by providing technical assistance (including a mentorship option) and business planning assistance. Funds are typically used for equipment, infrastructure, or other capital improvements to implement strategies identified during the planning process to help their business grow.

Eligibility Factors: This grant is for farmers who have been in business for 1-10 years, with a minimum gross farm income of $10,000 for the most recent tax year. Land ownership is not a requirement if a written lease is submitted to prove secure land access.

Funding Limitations: Grant funds of up to $10,000, $20,000, or $30,000 may be available on a 1:1 matching cost reimbursement basis.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants notified of acceptance estimated September 2025. Project completion by Spring/Summer 2026.

MDAR APR Improvement Program (AIP) | Deadline: 4:00pm Thursday, April 10th

Goals: AIP provides business planning, technical assistance, and grants to commercial farms with land that has already been protected through MDAR’s Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program to help sustain active commercial farming on the land. Examples of uses of grant funds include new or improved agricultural buildings, such as barns, livestock housing, farmstands or processing facilities, or resource improvements, such as wells, establishing perennial crops or fencing.

Eligibility Factors: This grant is for farms protected through the state APR program for 3+ years with owner applicants that have managed the farm for 3+years. Minimum $40,000 gross farm income required.

Funding Limitations: Grant levels are $100,000, 125,000, or 150,000 with a 10% match awarded on a reimbursement basis.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants notified of acceptance September 2025. Project completion by Spring/Summer 2027.

MDAR Farm Viability Enhancement Program (FVEP) | Deadline: 4:00pm Thursday, April 10th

Goals: This program provides one on one business planning assistance and technical assistance in areas of need such as family succession, marketing, or financial tracking to help increase farm viability. Eligible uses of funds include farm capital projects such as building or renovating barns, farmstands, wash pack facilities, farm equipment, or improving resources such as wells or fencing.

Eligibility Factors: Applicants must be an established farm, at least 3-years of earning farm income, with a minimum of $40000 gross farm income in the most recent tax year. Land ownership is a requirement and minimum 5-acres in production. Participants will be required to sign an agricultural covenant on the farm property to keep it in agricultural use for a 10 or 15-year term.

Funding Limitations: Awards will range from $100,000 – $200,000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants notified of acceptance August-September 2025. Final report due Spring/Summer 2027.

Dairy Food Safety & Certification Grant | Grant Opens: February 27th Deadline: April 24th (The Request for Applications (RFA) is available now.)

Goals: This grant will provide funds for dairy farmers, processors, dairy brands, and/or producer associations to take actionable steps to improve the safety of dairy products and improve dairy farm biosecurity.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include Northeast dairy farmers and processors, dairy brands that market Northeast dairy products, and producer associations that represent, support, or promote dairy products originating from the Northeast.

Funding Limitations: Awards will range from $10,000 – $75,000, requiring a 25% match. Approximately $525,000 in total funds are available.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants notified of award status June 2025. Final report due February-August 2026 depending on project.

Dairy Co-Packing Grant | Deadline: April 10th

Goals: This grant supports Northeast dairy processors in starting or expanding co-packing operations. Processors who have not previously co-packed can receive funds to add capabilities, while existing co-packers can apply to scale up partnerships or add product lines.

Eligibility Factors: Licensed dairy processors, dairy brands currently using co-packing services, and dairy brands that will start to utilize co-packing services located in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Funding Limitations: Grants will range from $15,000 to $150,000 with a 25% cash and/or in-kind match contribution. Approximately $1,100,000 in total funds are available.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants will be notified of award status June 2025. Final report due June 30, 2026.


MDAR Specialty Crop Block Grant Program| Deadline: 2:00pm Friday, March 28th

Goals: This program funds projects that aim to enhance the production and competitiveness of Specialty Crop industries in Massachusetts.

Eligibility Factors: This program is open to socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers, eligible non-profits, local government entities, for-profit organizations, industry trade associations, producer groups, and commodity commissions. Examples of eligible projects are increasing child and adult nutrition knowledge and consumption of specialty crops, improving efficiency and reducing costs of distribution systems, disease and pest management, investing in specialty crop research, development of organic and sustainable production practices and more.

Funding Limitations: Suggested project dollar value of projects is between $40,000 to $90,000. Total funds available: $420,000.

Anticipated Timeline: Contract start date estimated October 1st, 2025.


Dairy Farm Improvement and Modernization Grant | Deadline: February 20th

Goals: To support projects that update outdated systems or try new innovative solutions, with the goal of enhancing farm viability, reducing climate impacts, improving milk quality or value, improving worker conditions, and strengthening the farm’s ability to adapt to challenges.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include dairy farmers, producer cooperatives or service providers applying on behalf of farmers, and milk buyers. Grants available to applicants in all Northeast states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Funding Limitations: Awards will range from $15000 to $100000 with a 25% in-kind and/or cash match contribution. Total funds available: $950000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants will be notified about award status early April 2025. Estimated grant start date is May 2025, with project end date set for January 2026 – May 2026, depending on project.

TIE Award| Deadline: February 7th

Goals: To encourage farmers and fishers to trail new equipment, implement systems they haven’t tried before, and/or solve problems faced on their farm. The proposed project should improve the farms viability and sustainability.

Eligibility Factors: Active farmers of land and sea in Southeastern Massachusetts and the Cape (includes Bristol, Norfolk, Plymouth and Barnstable counties) or Rhode Island may apply. Farms that are near the border of SE MA will also be considered.

Funding Limitations: Awards range from $500 to $3000.

Anticipated Timeline: Awards will be announced March 21st and projects should be completed by December 31st, 2025.


Ocean Hour Grant | Deadline: January 31st

Goals: To support transition to regenerative land or sea management practices and projects that could benefit a thriving local food and fiber shed.

Eligibility Factors: Local producers who serve the 100 mile radius surrounding Newport, RI. Producers outside of the radius will be considered if your project benefits the area directly or as a learning opportunity for the region.

Funding Limitations: Typical grant awards range from $10000-$75000, with average grant size of $25000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants will be notified about funding decisions May 31st.


Agricultural Food Safety Improvement Program (AFSIP) | Deadline: May 24th

Goals: To improve food safety practices on produce farms and aquaculture operations, working towards minimizing the risks of microbial contamination and food-borne illnesses, and increasing market access.

Eligibility Factors: MA produce farms and aquaculture operations that have been in business for at least the 3 previous years may be eligible. If the applicant does not own the property, a written lease of at least 3 years should be provided. Previous recipients of AFSIP are eligible, but at a lower priority in the scoring process.

Funding Limitations: Grants of up to $50,000 or 80% of project costs are available. A 20% cash match is required.

Anticipated Timeline: Awards are expected to be announced by September. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.

Cranberry Bog Renovation Grant Program | Deadline: May 24th

Goals: To implement bog renovations that promote more efficient bogs and enhance the business and environmental sustainability of cranberry operations.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include MA cranberry farms that have been in business for at least the 3 previous years. Bogs must be at least 1 acre. The applicant must own the property or be the co-applicant with the property owner.

Funding Limitations: Grants of $25,000 per acre, up to $125,000, are available. A 25% cash or in-kind match is required, but labor may not be used as in-kind match.

Anticipated Timeline: Awards are expected to be announced by September. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.

Climate Smart Agriculture Program (CSAP) | Deadline: May 31st

Goals: To help agricultural operations proactively address risks and strengthen their economic and environmental resiliency, as well as to work towards the goals of the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan (CECP) for 2030.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include commercial agriculture operations that have been managed by the applicant for at least the 3 previous years. If the applicant does not own the property, a written lease of 3 years should be provided.

Funding Limitations: This application contains two sections. For each section, grants of up to $50,000 or 80% of project costs are available. Applicants may apply for both sections (for a total of up to $100,000 with a 20% match) and each section is reviewed separately. In-kind labor is not an eligible match.

Anticipated Timeline: Awards are expected to be announced in October. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.

New England Food Vision Prize | Deadline: May 31st

Goals: To support innovative ideas and collaborations that result in increased regional food sourcing by New England’s educational institutions.

Eligibility Factors: The lead applicant must be a nonprofit organization, government entity, or municipality, though partnerships across the food system are required for successful applications. Farms, food hubs, and processors are highly encouraged to be members of the application team.

Funding Limitations: Awards of $25,000 to $200,000 are available. Funding may not be used for food purchases.

Anticipated Timeline: Letters of interest should be submitted by May 31st. In July, you may receive an invitation to apply, and a full application will be due by August 9th. Recipients will be notified by October 25th and projects should be completed within two years.


Biz-M-Power Crowdfunding Matching Grant | Deadline: June 30th

Goals: To empower MA small businesses to acquire, expand, improve or lease a facility, purchase or lease equipment, or meet other capital needs of a business

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include small businesses located in Massachusetts owned by low-to-moderate income individuals (LMI) and businesses located in economic disadvantaged urban or rural communities, and businesses operating in Gateway Cities.

Funding Limitations: Businesses must crowdfund a minimum of $2,500 and a maximum of $20,000 to receive a 1:1 matching grant from MGCC between $2,500 and $20,000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified 2-6 weeks after applying. Awardees must then launch their crowdfunding campaign within 30 days. Crowdfunding campaigns may be 30-60 days in length, and funds between $2,500 and $20,000 will be matched at the conclusion of the campaign.


Agricultural Composting Improvement Program (ACIP) | Deadline: August 1st

Goals: To help agricultural composters improve the overall management of their agricultural composting operations and facilitate on-farm compost use.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible applicants include registered agricultural composters, farms in the process of registering, or farm composters exempt from registering.

Funding Limitations: Awards of up to $75,ooo for 75% of total project costs are available. This means a 25% cash match is required.

Anticipated Timeline: Contracts are expected to begin in October and projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.


Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Goals: To address natural resource concerns by planning and/or installing conservation practices that benefit soil, water, plants, air, and animals.

Eligibility Factors: Agricultural or aquacultural producers across the state are welcome to apply. Additional eligibility requirements may be found by contacting your local NRCS field office. Must complete a conservation plan in conjunction with NRCS before submitting an application.

Funding Limitations: Funding possibilities vary based on project. Get in touch with NRCS to learn more.

Massachusetts Food Trust Program (MFTP)

Goals: To increase access to healthy, affordable food in low-income, underserved areas through grants, loans, and business assistance.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible businesses include farm stands, grocery & corner stores, farmers’ markets, food hubs, and more. Must expand food access in underserved areas and align with community needs. Eligible applicants likely accept SNAP, HIP, or WIC. For-profits, non-profits, and cooperatives are all eligible. Preference will be given to applicants who have 3 years of operating experience and who have not previously received state funding.

Funding Limitations: Grants available from $5,000 to $25,000. Loans available from $15,000 to $300,000. Funds may be used for capital expenses, real estate, and more.

Farm Credit East FarmStart Program

Goals: To invest in new Northeast agricultural ventures showing promise of success with limited financial resources.

Eligibility Factors: Farmers, forestry producers, fishermen, farm-related service businesses and cooperatives may be eligible if they are in their first three years of business. Candidates are expected to be rural entrepreneurs or cooperatives with very little accumulated net worth and few financial resources. The applicant also must be an independent enterprise and cannot be affiliated with an established operation.

Funding Limitations: This is NOT a grant. This program offers up to $75,000 in credit for agricultural startups who are not generally eligible for conventional lending programs. Access to advisors, business plan services, and financial management software may also be available to participants at free or discounted rates.

Next Steps: Contact your local Farm Credit East office (probably Middleboro) or email


Ocean Hour Grant | Deadline: January 31st

Goals: To support transition to regenerative land or sea management practices and projects that could benefit a thriving local food and fiber shed.

Eligibility Factors: Local producers who serve the 100 mile radius surrounding Newport, RI. Producers outside of the radius will be considered if your project benefits the area directly or as a learning opportunity for the region.

Funding Limitations: Typical grant awards range from $10000-$75000, with average grant size of $25000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants will be notified about funding decisions May 31st.


New England Food Vision Prize | Deadline: May 31st

Goals: To support innovative ideas and collaborations that result in increased regional food sourcing by New England’s educational institutions.

Eligibility Factors: The lead applicant must be a nonprofit organization, government entity, or municipality, though partnerships across the food system are required for successful applications. Farms, fisheries, food hubs, and processors are highly encouraged to be members of the application team.

Funding Limitations: Awards of $25,000 to $200,000 are available. Funding may not be used for food purchases.

Anticipated Timeline: Letters of interest should be submitted by May 31st. In July, you may receive an invitation to apply, and a full application will be due by August 9th. Recipients will be notified by October 25th and projects should be completed within two years.


Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Goals: To address natural resource concerns by planning and/or installing conservation practices that benefit soil, water, plants, air, and animals.

Eligibility Factors: Agricultural or aquacultural producers across the state are welcome to apply. Additional eligibility requirements may be found by contacting your local NRCS field office. Must complete a conservation plan in conjunction with NRCS before submitting an application.

Funding Limitations: Funding possibilities vary based on project. Get in touch with NRCS to learn more.

Farm Credit East FarmStart Program

Goals: To invest in new Northeast agricultural ventures showing promise of success with limited financial resources.

Eligibility Factors: Farmers, forestry producers, fishermen, farm-related service businesses and cooperatives may be eligible if they are in their first three years of business. Candidates are expected to be rural entrepreneurs or cooperatives with very little accumulated net worth and few financial resources. The applicant also must be an independent enterprise and cannot be affiliated with an established operation.

Funding Limitations: This is NOT a grant. This program offers up to $75,000 in credit for agricultural startups who are not generally eligible for conventional lending programs. Access to advisors, business plan services, and financial management software may also be available to participants at free or discounted rates.

Next Steps: Contact your local Farm Credit East office (probably Middleboro) or email


Massachusetts Food Trust Program (MFTP)

Goals: To increase access to healthy, affordable food in low-income, underserved areas through grants, loans, and business assistance.

Eligibility Factors: Eligible businesses include farm stands, grocery & corner stores, farmers’ markets, food hubs, and more. Must expand food access in underserved areas and align with community needs. Eligible applicants likely accept SNAP, HIP, or WIC. For-profits, non-profits, and cooperatives are all eligible. Preference will be given to applicants who have 3 years of operating experience and who have not previously received state funding.

Funding Limitations: Grants available from $5,000 to $25,ooo. Loans available from $15,000 to $300,000. Funds may be used for capital expenses, real estate, and more.

Ocean Hour Grant | Deadline: January 31st

Goals: To support transition to regenerative land or sea management practices and projects that could benefit a thriving local food and fiber shed.

Eligibility Factors: Local producers who serve the 100 mile radius surrounding Newport, RI. Producers outside of the radius will be considered if your project benefits the area directly or as a learning opportunity for the region.

Funding Limitations: Typical grant awards range from $10000-$75000, with average grant size of $25000.

Anticipated Timeline: Applicants will be notified about funding decisions May 31st.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently launched a more comprehensive webpage for federal food systems grant programs. Grants are available at every stage from production & processing to distribution & markets. Find it HERE.

If you represent a funding organization or have knowledge of funding opportunities for farmers and food producers that are not listed here, please contact

Additional Assistance & Resources

SEMAP can assist you in your grant application process in several ways. We can review your application once you are ready to submit, we can walk you through it from start-to-finish, and/or we can write a letter of support for your project. If you would like in-depth, start-to-finish assistance, please use this form. If you would like a review or letter of support, please email Keep in mind that, as a small organization, SEMAP will require at least 5 business days of notice ahead of any application deadlines.

We hosted a virtual workshop on grant-writing in Fall 2021. While we specifically looked at the Food Security Infrastructure Grant, some of the lessons learned can be applied to grant-writing broadly, especially for state grant programs. You can view the recording and read our notes.

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) hosted a virtual walk-through of most of their recurring grant programs in March 2023. This covers CSAP, AFSIP, FVEP, MEGA, AIP, and more. Watch the recording and read more about all MDAR grant programs. They also provided a short general tips video here.

The list at the top of this page includes only grant programs currently accepting applications, but you can prepare for any grant, any time. Check out our anticipated agricultural grant calendar to plan for the coming year. Then use previous years’ RFRs (linked in the calendar) in combination with our grant funding worksheet to prepare your responses to upcoming grants. Note that you should write applications specifically towards each grant purpose, but can use this as a tool to organize your general thoughts.

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