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“Exploring the Small Farm Dream” course offered by MDAR
November 13, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Attention Aspiring or Beginning Farmers!
There are still spots available in the Fall Exploring the Small Farm Dream course offered by MDAR

When: Tuesdays 6pm-9pm, November 13th to December 11th, in Sudbury MA at the Sudbury Grange.
This 5-week course, developed by The New England Small Farm Institute, is designed to guide aspiring farmers through the decision-making process of starting a farm business in Massachusetts. Participants will assess their skills and knowledge related to starting a farm and running a business, clarify their farming vision, and analyze the feasibility of their idea. It includes 4 classes and a farmer panel to help answer questions that participants have about the realities of farming. Cost is $100 per enterprise. *Applications will be accepted on a First Come First Serve basis until the course is filled.* A western MA course is being planned for late winter.
Email applications to: Deanna Levanti at BeginningFarmerCoordinator@gmail.com
This course is offered and subsidized by MDAR’s Agricultural Business Training Program.
In this course you will:
Test the feasibility of your idea before you invest
Evaluate self-employment and the suitability of an agricultural lifestyle
Investigate markets for your proposed product or service
Identify regulations that will impact your planned enterprises
Understand the unique risks associated with agriculture
Determine your financial break-even date
Evaluate the realistic contribution you can expect from this piece of your livelihood
Test whether others share your vision and want to join/support you in this pursuit
Anticipate threats to your success
Decide what’s next in order to a) get going now, b) do more preparation or c) avoid a big mistake!