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White Barn Farm Plant Sale
May 21, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Payment: Cash and Checks Make the Line Go Faster but Credit and Debit are Accepted. Farmstand CSA Debit Cards may NOT be used for Plants during the Plant Sale – (but you can use them at the farmstand)
Prices: single 4″ pots and mini-6-packs are $3 each, (exception: single pots of perennial herbs are $4.50), large 6-packs and 4-packs are $5 each, You will be able to ask to mix-n-match large 6-or-4-packs, (half and half of two different varieties). We will have scissors and labels (ask for help). This will allow a much greater range of choices. Half packs are $2.50
**New this year: We have strawberry plants (!!!) and will be selling them in groups of five plants in low-maintenance hanging planters. These plants are everbearing, so they will produce all summer long! Delicious organic strawberries on your front patio, back patio, whereever you decide to hang your planter – can’t get any better than that! Price for the strawberry planters is: $25/hanging planter