Looking to attend workshops on a variety of sustainability topics?
SEMAP regularly hosts workshops on regenerative farming practices, found on our Events page. Find others hosted by likeminded organizations: National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, Cornell Small Farms Program, Young Farmer Network, Greenhorns, National Center for Appropriate Technology, and Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG).
Seeking an assessment of your land and soil health?
Get tips on invasive species and soil health, a consultation from a sustainability expert, or an evaluation of your land, water, and soil from National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA-MA), or UMass Amherst Agricultural Extension. The Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust provides support for small, overlooked, and/or marginalized farmers in accessing these resources. Organic Denmark offers a DIY Soil Evaluation Guide for farmers who want to examine their own soil microbiology.
BONUS: Check out the new report from Endless Farm’s (Johnston, RI) Northeast SARE-funded project, Effect of an Indigenous Soil Microbial Inoculant on Soil, Soil Microbial Community, and Leaf Nutrient Density.
Want to get your farm business Certified Organic?
Legal information, application materials, and support are provided by Baystate Organic, Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA-MA), and USDA.
Interested in incorporating renewable energy into your farm business?
Funding and personalized guidance for renewable energy implementation may be available at Massachusetts Farm Energy Program.
Looking for advice on potential PFAS contamination?
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension regularly updates this webpage as information becomes available about PFAS contamination, testing, and best practices.