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Tour of Meatworks Meat Processing Facility – NOFA/RI
May 5, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Sunday, May 5, 2019. 12-2 pm
Livestock Institue Meatworks Facility
287 State Road
Westport, MA 02790
Join NOFA/RI for this unique and educational tour of Meatworks, a USDA-inspected meat processing facility in Westport, MA, owned and operated by the Livestock Institute.
This is a state of the art facility designed to the highest animal welfare and humane handling standards, food safety standards, and full traceability. This tour should appeal to established and beginning livestock farmers, small scale farmers and consumers interested in learning more about processing, animal handling meat cutting and value-added processing, such as smokehouse and dry aging capability.
Meatworks looks to have a positive impact on our local food system, facilitate the farmer-processor relationship, and support livestock farming throughout southern New England.
Registration is encouraged for this Free event. Last minute attendees are welcome. Sponsored by Southside Community Land Trust with a USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher grant.