It’s bittersweet to sit down at my computer today and compose my final article for SEMAP. My time with SEMAP will be coming to an end after our Farm to Tapas event on July 30th. Over the past three years with SEMAP, I have grown professionally, met many incredible individuals, and felt rewarded in the work that I do each day. My knowledge and passion for local farming has grown immensely and I feel blessed to have been able to share this love with others on a daily basis. When joining the staff in 2014, it was unclear the direction that the organization might head. I am happy to have helped SEMAP revive its programming and outreach as well as rekindle and forge new relationships with farmers and eaters, alike.
My commitment to local agriculture will by no means dissipate! I’m sure I’ll bump into many of you at local food events, farmers markets, and farm stands across southeastern Mass! Although leaving SEMAP, I’ll be close by, as I transition to my new role as the Development & Outreach Specialist at the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust (DNRT). I’m happy to be accepting a position at another wonderful local non-profit.
During the past couple of weeks, I’ve had the pleasure to work closely with Jon Gray, SEMAP’s newest staff member, who will be taking over many of my duties. Jon is extremely passionate about local agriculture and is amazing fit for the SEMAP team.
Again, I’ve had absolutely wonderful experiences at SEMAP, and will certainly miss working for such a great organization! If any of you would like to keep in touch, please email me at and I’d be happy to provide you with my personal email address.
Keep it local friends!
Kendra Murray