Buy Local Blurb – December 2015

Happy winter! With the change in season, we also decided to change our newsletter. This is a project I’ve been meaning to tackle for few months, but we’ve pretty busy over here at SEMAP. Our newly designed Vine is now mobile-friendly. With a lot of folks now reading e-mails on their phones, we wanted to make sure that everyone can easily read the SEMAP newsletter, no matter if they’re on a tablet, PC, or on the go.

I’ve just posted our winter farmers’ market guide online. Yes, winter! There are still a few places to buy your local goodies this time of year. Unfortunately we don’t have the abundance of markets in the winter as in the summer, but there are still a few options available to get your carrots, beets, and other roots. Not sure how to cook these veggies? Fitness Magazine has a nice list of seasonal produce with some great recipes as well.

In addition to eating local foods, I also encourage to shop locally for all of your holiday gifts. Whether it be locally made clothing, crafts, cheese (cow or goat’s milk), jams, baked goods, or beer and wine, keep your dollars in your community!

Have a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!


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