December 6th, 2019

Do you struggle with getting all the work done on your farm?
Do you have challenges attracting and retaining employees? Are you interested in working with other farmers to design solutions to labor challenges? If so, consider attending the farmer focus group, Exploring Novel Approaches to Farm Labor, at the NOFA/Mass Winter Conference in Worcester on January 11th from 9:00—10:30. We will discuss four potential models and the opportunities, challenges, and interests of each one. Be prepared to provide your input and feedback! Register for the session now by clicking here.
We are seeking small to mid-scale diversified fruit and vegetable farmers in New England and New York who practice sustainable growing methods and market products directly to consumers or engage in wholesale/institutional markets. We are particularly interested in producers who hire full-time, part-time seasonal workers, and/or family members. A gift card of $50 will be provided. This project is funded by a Northeast SARE Novel Approaches grant, LNE19-386R. For questions about this project, please contact Kevin Cody of New Entry Sustainable Farming Project at